Child Custody Lawyers For Fathers

If you are a father seeking custody of your child or children in San Diego, it is essential that you hire an experienced child custody lawyer. Not only will they fight for your rights, but also work diligently to guarantee that you receive the most advantageous custody and parenting time arrangement possible.

When filing for divorce or having your ex challenge your custody agreement, having an experienced attorney by your side is critical. At Cordell & Cordell in San Diego, they understand that men face some of the most challenging family law issues and know the importance of having someone on board who will fight on your behalf. With their knowledge and commitment to excellence, you can rest assured knowing they will do everything in their power to assist you.

Fathers have long been treated as second class citizens when it comes to child custody and visitation rights, but that is no longer the case in most cases. Studies show that children benefit when their fathers are involved in their lives. It’s encouraging to know that San Diego courts are now acknowledging this trend by creating custody arrangements that benefit these kids.

When creating a custody and visitation arrangement for children, the courts take into account several factors. These include each parent’s income, their home environment, as well as other relevant details specific to that child or children.

You need an attorney who can effectively present the facts of your situation to a courtroom judge. That means finding someone with extensive experience in family law matters as well as expertise in using California Family Code regulations for your advantage.

Our lawyers will employ a variety of strategies to safeguard your rights and fight for what you deserve. This may include presenting evidence that you possess the capacity to parent your child properly, such as testimonies from doctors and teachers, along with other supporting documentation.

If your former spouse is asserting that you are unfit for custody of your child, it’s essential to demonstrate your suitability and capability. This could include a clean criminal record or other evidence showing you are the kind of person who will do what’s best for the children.

When seeking legal counsel, you need an attorney who will take time to understand your specific circumstances and needs. Doing this will enable them to provide you with the advice and direction necessary for making informed decisions.

Your child custody and visitation attorney can also ensure your child receives all necessary medical care after divorce is finalized. Doing this will give you the best chance for maintaining a healthy relationship with your child after the divorce is finalized.

Our fathers’ rights child custody attorneys have a successful track record of helping families reach equitable solutions that protect the children’s best interests. They are passionate about upholding the rights of all parents and will fight for what’s right for you.


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